The word “welcome” is powerful, inviting and warm. Those are the emotions we hope the past issues/articles of GFB Monthly convey, and hope this issue produces more of the same.
As always, our mission is to support business and economic development in the Catawba Valley with a narrow focus on small, entrepreneurial and innovative businesses and the people who make them successful.
In this issue, being written mostly before all the restrictions on workplaces and industries were imposed by the Coronavirus, you will read about the Chick-Fil-A chain from two perspectives: In our SERVE category we address the astounding customer service reputation held by CFA. In our LEAD category we share some of the leadership philosophy and practice of both the deceased founder of CFA, Truett Cathy, and his son Dan Truett, the current CEO (Chief Encouragement Officer). Both articles celebrate Chick-Fil-A as a “Teaching and Learning” organization, intent on building both people and a caring business.
How did local entrepreneur Karen Tonks “learn” she was meant to be an entrepreneur? It is an intriguing pathway to learn about in our CREATE category piece on Time Genies and its butterfly logo.
So many happenings to APPLAUD in our section by that name. Good things happening across the Valley. Particularly so in Alexander County,as we “learn” about the county and its economic development efforts “across the river”.
If you are picking up on the theme of “learning” in these pieces, don’t neglect to read the lead piece in the THINK category in which we address adjusting business and personal practices while moving our communities forward in the economic landscape through a collaboration of Education and Industry, for which the Catawba Valley is becoming widely championed and applauded.
So, WELCOME to LEARNING more about the Valley’s businesses, changes, education and growth! We hope you search the CATEGORIES at the top of each page to explore current and previous articles related to that topic. If you are new to the GFB Connect publications, be sure to visit our Archives section to view previous issues.
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Tony Jackson’s Thoughts
Managing Director, GFB Connect, Inc.